Policyholder Resources

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Policyholder Resources


Policyholder Resources


Useful Information


Consumer Complaint Resolution Process for Manitoba and Saskatchewan

Consumer Complaint Resolution Process for Manitoba and Saskatchewan

At Optimum Insurance, we are always striving to offer our clients the best service possible. If, however, you have a complaint about any of our products, or if you are not satisfied with the service you have received, we would like to hear from you.

Step 1 – Speak to your broker

Should you have a complaint, concern or inquiry, speak to your broker. Your broker works on your behalf and represents your best interests. They offer independent advice and understand the importance of insurance to your financial security and peace of mind.

Step 2 – Contact Ombudsman

If your broker is unable to resolve your dispute to your satisfaction, you should contact our Ombudsman in writing. You may contact the Optimum Insurance Ombudsman by mail, fax or e-mail at:

Optimum Insurance Company Inc.
147 McIntyre Street West
North Bay, ON P1B 2Y5
Phone: 1-800-461-6110
Fax: 1-705-476-8694
E-mail: [email protected]

The ombudsman is an employee of Optimum Insurance who will ensure that your complaint has been properly and fairly considered within the Company, and that a decision and explanation of our position has been provided to you.

The ombudsman will address your concern as quickly as possible. In order to do so, please provide your policy number or claim number, as well as details of your concern. Your complaint will be investigated promptly, with an official response to be delivered within 10 working days.

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